Saturday, May 10, 2008
my replies☆
this picture is with
my own friends☆
sorry as its a really private picture(laugh)
4th day☆
パインナッポー美人!さん→the filming was really fun☆i think you guys will enjoy it during its broadcast(o^-’)b
おーもりさん→although im really tired but i cant sleep when the car is moving(>_<)
おいどんさん→glad that you say i look cute when im not in any makeup(≧▽≦)its important to have the makeup off!!
うすいぉみさん→its was fun til the end=^ェ^=i really thankful to be involved in Sumire☆
ともたんさん→Finally Mizuki's appearance!!she is different from the real me so enjoy☆the ending is also very Sumire liked♪♪♪
しんぐらいくとーくさん→i am really excited for the 5th episode!!im getting nervous for the broadcast(+_+)
佳苗さん→thank you very much☆i will do my best for everyone's support(o^-’)b
アイチさん→please keep on supporting me☆i will alway do my best(≧▽≦)
おーもりさん→Fukuchi-kun its hard to describe Mizuki's expressions(>_<)
おーもりさん→seems like a darling pose☆(laugh)
おいどんさん→for a fact it looked like the spirits have left the body(laugh)
アラタさん→the team sumire are really close to each other, its really fun(^・^)Chu♪
加藤こうすけさん→was given a change because i was about to get fired(laugh)
おーもりさん→im going out for a hearty lunch☆it was fun★
ファンさん→Sumire is the best!!!im really into Sumire♪♪
アラタさん→i must really do my best for Mizuki☆its was fun as i have a different personality from her☆
加藤こうすけさん→as expected my mom's bento is the best>^_^<
アステカさん→i will finished my bentou☆i get enegize the most when i eat(o^-’)b
hiro58409372さん→the blog is fun right☆
けんごさん→thanks for your love comments(≧▽≦)
あみちゃん可愛いいさん→thank you very much☆a singer's dream is to contribute as much as possible its a really great job♪♪i will do my best☆
龍球さん→please continue to support me(^・^)Chu♪
jinさん→i really happy to see your words☆i will try my best to get more people to like me>^_^<
アイチさん→thanks(>_<)tears are important isnt it☆
アラタさん→i really enjoyed the final episode too!!!you will definately be touched(o^-’)b
pilroさん→its really sentimental(>д<)
ゅぅさん→i will do my best from now on、please continue to support me(≧ε≦)
アラタさん→Mizuki is the best、im really glad for your praise☆thank you(u_u)o〃
ゆいさん→i think you will enjoy the last episode★
おーもりさん→thank you very much☆as i really did my best i hope you can watch it soon(^^ゞ
jinさん→i think the drama really gives me a good experience☆
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