Thursday, May 22, 2008
thanks for the hardwork☆
my research has finished♪
as my last research was
im going to talk alot (o^-^o)
about my work and
deep about my private life too o(^ヮ^)o
do watch it ok♪♪
and later,
from DOMO! and Pinky
i received their collaborated product\(~δ~)/
its a non-sale item(≧▽≦)
im so happy☆☆☆
its good~↑↑↑
but, regretfully
although i received 5 of them
there isnt 1 with a heart-shaped in it(;_;)
where has my happiness gone to…???(+_+)
well, happiness is to be grasps by oneself
i will eat them cherishly =^ェ^=
tokito ami amitan aminii komatsu yukie TNX gyaruru TAWAWA Natsu Bikini Aiyai Aiyai I'm a lady Jirettai Watashi Sora Kara CRY FOR HELP! Sentimental Generation school rumble amimi blog japanese idol singer gravure meganekko translation miss magazine 時東ぁみ 小松幸江 メガネっ娘 アイドル グラビア CD DVD japan dorama tokyo