recently i've been wearing quite alot of neckties, they were all tied by myself!!
i'm good, don't ya think♪
i can even tie those difficult knots =^ェ^=
thats because i did alot of practice during my high school days~♪
★This site translates Tokito aMi's japanese blog site 「ぁみログ!」 to english. Its created for all the Tokito aMi's fans from around the world who cant read/understand japanese. Enjoy~! (^_-)b~ ★このウェブサイトは時東ぁみちゃんの世界のファンのために、時東ぁみちゃんの日本語の「ぁみログ!」を英語に翻訳します。お楽しみ~!(^_-)b~ |
i will only translate Tokito aMi related things on request and please provide me with the source before asking eg. title, the japanese text(eg. scan, text etc), i will then share the translated works with everyone.* I will only do it at my own pace~ * Thanks^^, also anything you would like to contribute to this site such as site banners or things you want to share about aMi-chan do send them in (^_-)b ギャリー★エー
Note: This site is not related to or have anything to do with any of the official Tokito aMi's sites. It is solely created for the fans by a fan. The original blogs are written by Tokito aMi, then translated by Gyari★A. and pictures are taken from the official blog @ http://ameblo.jp/tokito-ami/